As a retailer, you’ll have access to a retailer account with privileges offered only to you and other retailers. In particular, you’ll have preferred transaction rates for all transactions made through the marketplace.
Plus, with the digital system offered by Altered, you could choose to:
Not stock any singles and specialize in online trading only.
Keep all cards (commons and rares) in stock, e.g. in sets of 10, which you could then refill if your stock drops below a predefined level. This method would allow you to offer your customers instant availability for all cards (except uniques), rather than requiring them to use the print-on-demand service and then wait a few days, potentially paying more than the price you would offer, because you will benefit from bulk prices.
See “Group purchases” (TBC). You could use this system to offer a “drive-to-store” service where your customers would use the print-on-demand service through you and would benefit from your bulk prices. They would then have to visit your store to collect their orders.