- Where can I find the rules of the game?
- How many cards are in the core set?
- What are the different types of cards in Altered?
- What game modes are going to be available at release?
- What are the rules to build a Constructed deck in Altered?
- What are the 6 different factions of Altered ?
- How does the rarity system work?
- Tell me more about how Unique cards will work?
- Why did you choose to create unique cards instead of very rare cards?
- What about game balancing and “pay to win” when it comes to unique cards?
- What do I do if a QR code doesn’t scan correctly?
- I am a colorblind person, will I be able to play Altered TCG?
- What is the size of an Altered card?
- I have a question about the rules of the Altered card game.
- Certain Lyra cards have "6+" written on them. What kind of die do I need to use to play the Lyra faction?